If you haven’t leased a Nearly New WAV before, you may not be familiar with the process. No need to worry – it’s very simple, and our team will guide you through each step.
Step 1: Get in touch with Ransome Mobility
The first step is just to get in contact. You can do this by giving us a call on 01473 727263 or by submitting an enquiry online. From here, your Motability Consultant will give you the information you need and help you to complete any of the relevant paperwork.
Step 2: Choose a WAV
We’ll help you to choose a wheelchair accessible vehicle, and arrange an onsite or home demonstration and test drive to make sure your chosen vehicle meets all of your specific needs and requirements.
Step 3: Make your application
With everything in place, your Motability Consultant will help you to complete your order application with the documentation needed. Once this is received by Motability, they will contact the Department of Work and Pensions and the DVLA in order to approve it.
Step 4: Your application is processed
You confirm your order details with Motability and agree that you wish to use your Higher Rate Mobility Component for your nearly new WAV.
Motability then pass the documentation back to us at Ransome Mobility, and once this has happened we process your order and arrange for your wheelchair accessible vehicle to be delivered to you.
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